Sibendu Som
Outstanding Achievement Award
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Dr. Sibendu Som is a principal computational scientist and manager of the multi-physics computational research section at Argonne National Laboratory. He has more than a decade of experience in multi-physics and multi-scale modeling of piston engines and gas turbines on High Performance Computing systems. Sibendu’s research is focused on the development of nozzle-flow, spray, and combustion models, and applications of machine learning methods for engine combustion. His team is responsible for developing predictive simulation capabilities for original equipment manufacturers to develop advanced high-efficiency, low-emission engines. Several computational sub-models developed within his team are part of commercial computational codes. He is a co-founder of Argonne’s Virtual Engine Research Institute and Fuels Initiative (VERIFI) program, which is aimed at providing predictive simulations for original equipment manufacturers. Sibendu has authored more than 170 journal and has peer-reviewed conference papers with more than 5,350 citations.